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Category: Caring for French Bulldogs

How much is a French Bulldog? Costs, Considerations, and More!

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French Bulldogs are the kind of loyal companion you want by your side. They are fancy, fun, and loyal. French Bulldogs are actually not French at all, and they’re the result of a cross between an English Bulldog and the French Bulldog. Small in size and quirky in personality, they appeal to pet lovers, but…

French Bulldog Pet Insurance Prices & Coverage in 2022: An Unbiased Comparison

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You may have a difficult time finding pet insurance for your French Bulldog. There are many health problems associated with this breed, which translates into a higher health insurance premium. In fact, some insurance companies will not cover French Bulldogs because of the high preponderance of health issues in badly-bred animals. Here are some tips…

How to Rescue a French Bulldog

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Are you thinking about rescuing a Frenchie? Awesome!The experience of rescuing a Frenchie can be one of the most rewarding and exciting experiences of our lives!But finding a reputable French Bulldog rescue shelter can be difficult… French Bulldog rescue: What you need to know The first time you rescue a dog, there are a few…

What Human Food can French Bulldogs Eat?

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We shouldn’t feed our Frenchies table scraps and other human food, but most of us do it occasionally.But be careful! Many of the foods we eat every day are extremely dangerous to our Frenchies, which is why knowing which human foods they can and cannot eat is so important! Having these foods in moderation will…