11081 East Freeway Houston, Tx. 77029

Month: January 2022

French Bulldog Pet Insurance Prices & Coverage in 2022: An Unbiased Comparison

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You may have a difficult time finding pet insurance for your French Bulldog. There are many health problems associated with this breed, which translates into a higher health insurance premium. In fact, some insurance companies will not cover French Bulldogs because of the high preponderance of health issues in badly-bred animals. Here are some tips…

How to Rescue a French Bulldog

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Are you thinking about rescuing a Frenchie? Awesome!The experience of rescuing a Frenchie can be one of the most rewarding and exciting experiences of our lives!But finding a reputable French Bulldog rescue shelter can be difficult… French Bulldog rescue: What you need to know The first time you rescue a dog, there are a few…